We know it's been awhile since our last update, but that is because a lot has been going on...all of it good.
Last Tuesday, September 13, 2011, HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS officially held their first "MERIT Alumni Meeting" in partnership with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. David Taylor from CELEBRATE RECOVERY has come onboard to help us each week. This last meeting was terrific! We had a great response. We shared with our current student/inmates about the direction we were taking the Alumni meeting and received and enthusiastic round of applause. Many of our guys know and respect Dave Taylor. We expect the Alumni group to grow each week.

For those who might not know, the LASD MERIT Alumni meeting is held each week to help and support both former inmates and their families. Helping men to change their lives, deal with their addictions, to never return to jail/prison and help them reconcile with their families. For family members, it teaches them how to support their men that are still incarcerated and once they're released. It is a terrific program that HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS is proud to be part of.
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