. . . . . "Angola shines beyond the storms of life." . . . . .
Last weekend, we traveled to hot and muggy Louisiana, more accurately, Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola. We were there for two reason, for the Awana, RETURNING HEARTS CELEBRATION; a program to build a Godly relationship between inmate fathers and their children. This was our second time to this event. You can check out the link below to learn more about this years event. This is a great video!
The other reason we were there was to discuss with the Warden staff bringing a modified HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS program to Angola. We're still deciding what that program would look like. While we were there we toured their "media" departments. Our first stop was to the "TV Station".
...Which they call "the closet" for obvious reasons. They're able to do a lot with a little. We were very impressed.
Our next stop was their radio station.
It broadcasts 24/7 throughout the prison.
And our last stop was the Angolite Magazine office.

The Angolite Magazine was first published in 1976. They publish (6) editions per year. It is completely run my inmates and gained a national reputation as a quality magazine after winning several international awards.
We stayed in nearby St. Francisville which has so much history. This Southern Church was build in the 1882 and stands so majestically.
A little Louisiana atmosphere...
The food there was great. Not exactly low-cal, but great tasting.
Including the Alligator. It was a great trip!!
I love the mossy trees - great photos, and exciting to hear about what these inmates are doing creatively!