Saturday, May 21, 2011

HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS - News, Updates & Tribute

As we've shared over the last few weeks, Brandon "Chandler" was an extremely important member of HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS family and he will be missed greatly. During this time we've received many e-mails and letters from current inmate/students, graduates and their families telling us what Chandler's involvement has meant to them.

We felt this might be a good time to share some of those comments with you.

"[Brandon "Chandler"] was very blessed and special man. He was my mentor, teacher and friend. His testimony of courage, faith and hope has made a profound impact on me and the way I view life. Brandon has impacted my life like nobody ever has." - - Inmate/Student Bill

"I want you to know how much joy "Chandler" brought into my life. He is, and will always be special to me. I will never forget him. He is my friend & mentor and I wanted you to know that he has forever changed my life. I will always remember his smile and all the encouraging words that he shared with me. I am really going to miss him but I know in my heart that we will see each other again in Heaven." - - Inmate/Student Pete

"Brandon Chandler was a very special guy who made great changes for my husband and I after meeting each other during the 168 film project we all did together a couple years back. Then they worked again on Destiny Trail. Well he left me with a feeling that we had been touched by an Angel. Our prayers are with his family." - - Melody (wife of former inmate)

An empty classroom is our version of the "missing man formation" and a tribute to our friend, "Chandler" who will be missed but never forgotten!

-Gary, Cyndi and the entire HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS family-


  1. So, so, so sad. Continued prayers for the family & all those who knew him. So sorry for your loss! :(

  2. Working with and having a friendship with Chandler since 2009 was truly a Blessing for me. First, he was my instructor, next one of my mentors who became a friend, and lastly, my boss on the 168 Film Project 2011. Chandler My Brother,you will be missed but never forgotten. We Love You Brother.

