Cyndi and I recently visited Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola. We went to share a little about HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS and what we're doing at the Pitchess Detention Center. We were also there as part of the "Returning Hearts" team from Grace Baptist Church.
For those of you who may not be aware of "Returning Hearts", it is part of Awana International - a program to help teach men how to be Godly fathers. Many studies have shown that if there is a good relationship between an incarcerated father and his children, the odds of his kids following in his footsteps drops dramatically.
During this event volunteers set up a carnival and inmate fathers invite their children to spend the entire day with them. It's a time to reconcile their relationships, share the Gospel and be the spiritual leaders God meant them to be. What an amazing day.

The entire "Returning Hearts" events was a huge success. If you'd like to learn more click on the following link: http://www.awana.org/lifeline/default.aspx?content=3077
You'll have to write some more about Death Row - Cyndi told me a little about that today - really amazing how God changes lives!