It is so incredable to see how God is working through the ministry. While doing some research on jail/prison recidivism rates. I came across this interesting statistic; according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department the total recidivism rate for inmates who have been released from jail for only 3 months are re-arrested at a 42.2% rate and within 6 months of their release, the total rate jumps to 57.4%.
This has to be "a God thing" because since we started in June of 2009, HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS has had approx. 20-25 graduates released from custody. At the time of this writing we have NOT HAD A SINGLE GRADUATE RE-ARRESTED! Some of are graduates are already gainfully employed, others are taking advantage of additional schooling and scholarships supplied by HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS.
I know this program is still young and we're going to have some disappointments, but you've got to admit a 0% recidivism rate at this time is pretty darn neat! Praise God.
Great news to read this morning!