Our first semester is over... We had a terrific graduation! Several of our graduates received generous scholarships from Moviola, Vocal Image and Mole Richardson Lighting.
Lives where changed, bringing some inmates to tears as they described what they've learned in this last 12 weeks.
The band was excellent as well. Although it was over 100 degrees, no one seemed to care. It was a great day! We can't wait to start the next semester!
This was the moment that Our Lord Jesus put it in my heart to at least interview for this program, which I discovered to really be a Ministry. As I sat there with that full head of hair in the back row (the first picture here with wavy dark hair)after only be in the "barracks" 2 days, I left it in God's hands. I interviewed with Gary for the second class, and since that time he has mentored and became a friend and strong Christian Brother. Thank you for the opportunity then, and the continued support now, from you and all who are involved with Hollywood Impact Studios. May the Blessings continue as they have over the last two (2) years.