Once again today's quote/story comes from one of our students at the Peter Pitchess Detention Center. I had just finished teaching and Stan Cassio was getting set up to begin his class when one of the students gave us a letter entitled, "A Second Change." Below are just a couple of excerpts:
"I just wanted to thank you [all] for allowing me to be part of Hollywood [Impact] Studios. I believe this introduction will sustain me during times of challenge, frustration and failure and will comfort me during times of confusion, pain and loss. --- I didn't believe it was possible for me. I truly felt I couldn't become an honest, loving person. In my mind change was not an option. --- Now I know that the power of words inspires the Power of Change. --- I have learned that Apostle Paul and Peter and the profit Jeremiah, all went to prison because they KNEW God, now I know I came to prison to KNOW God."
This is powerful stuff. I don't know who's learning more from the ministry them or us...
Note: This entire letter will be featured in Hollywood Impact Magazine in the near future. The magazine can be accessed at: hollywoodimpactstudios.com/magazine .
I truly appreciate when even one person has gained insight and inspiration during an exchange of thought and gift giving. Teaching is the single most powerful tool we have as God's children to enlighten and educate those that feel abadoned or cast aside in a world of constant motion. We can, all of us, do something to change a thought or focus, if it is in the spirit of guidance and understanding that we are one, and we are in this together, for the future of our children, our spiritual beliefs, and the future of this beautiful planet we call home.
ReplyDeleteWow! Thank you so much this powerfully written comment.