Once again today's quote/story comes from one of our students at the Peter Pitchess Detention Center. I had just finished teaching and Stan Cassio was getting set up to begin his class when one of the students gave us a letter entitled, "A Second Change." Below are just a couple of excerpts:
"I just wanted to thank you [all] for allowing me to be part of Hollywood [Impact] Studios. I believe this introduction will sustain me during times of challenge, frustration and failure and will comfort me during times of confusion, pain and loss. --- I didn't believe it was possible for me. I truly felt I couldn't become an honest, loving person. In my mind change was not an option. --- Now I know that the power of words inspires the Power of Change. --- I have learned that Apostle Paul and Peter and the profit Jeremiah, all went to prison because they KNEW God, now I know I came to prison to KNOW God."
This is powerful stuff. I don't know who's learning more from the ministry them or us...
Note: This entire letter will be featured in Hollywood Impact Magazine in the near future. The magazine can be accessed at: hollywoodimpactstudios.com/magazine .