Sunday, March 9, 2014

Continuing education

The are many different Broadcasting & Technology conferences out there.  This last month we attended the "NRB", National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville Tennessee.  

This was our first time and admittedly it was quite different than any others we've attended. Right off the bat, having a Christian presences made the entire feel very different in a good way.   Second, where it was held set it apart.  We're very accustomed to going to Las Vegas for the National Association of Broadcasters Convention, but this one being in Nashville gave it a breath of fresh air, at least for me.  

The hotel & convention center where it was held was the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center and it was absolutely amazing. 

In the dead of winter, you have this beautiful "indoor" wonderland.  Loved this place!

Inside the convention itself, it was really interesting to meet religious broadcasters from all over the world.  It's at places like this that world seems very small.  They all very enthusiastic about their programing and the people that they reach.

Although it was a very fast trip, it was a good trip.  So glad that we attended.  I highly recommend that you attend if you have the opportunity.   I also highly recommend the The Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center as a must stay place if you're ever in Nashville.