Sunday, April 29, 2012
This semester we're continuing to teach, editing, acting, careers of the television business, typing, Bible Studies and computer skills. We're now at the point where we begin teaching camera and lighting. Our special guest instructor, Ryan Sheridan, will we be teaching these disciplines again this semester. They guys really like his instruction. He makes it so interesting and engaging. Thank you Ryan!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
"The Alumni" is a meeting held every Tuesday night at 7PM with those men who've been released from jail or prison and their family members that support them. Two weeks ago, one of our very first students from our semester #1 droppped by to visit. It was a real struggle for him for the first year he was out, but finally he was able to get a part time job in his given trade, butcher, at a grocery store.
He has now been out three years, been promoted to manager of the meat market, has gotten married, is plugged in to his neighborhood church. Life is good. Congratuations!
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Below is an interesting acticle from Gillen Entertainment, an interview from Director of Photography, David Libertella. I hope you find is interesting.
Cinematographer David Libertella
Approaching the Script
Libertella's initial preparation for a film project begins with the script. "I read the script once through, reading aloud and paced so as to get a feel for the rhythm of the script." He says, "I don't begin consciously thinking about what shots or what lighting to employ until after I have read through it once and come to understand the story, the arc."
Notetaking follows the first read-through. "I read it again and as I go through it I make notes, either in the margins or on a separate paper, about possible shots, color palettes, foreseeable problems to be solved."
Camera Tips
Most young filmmakers begin shooting with a prosumer-level camera, such as the Panasonic DVX, long a workhorse for indie filmmakers. What does a new DP need to do when ready to film? "One of my first cameras," says Libertella, "was the DVX, and after many years with it I can tell you to keep the gain low, and keep all your settings on manual. Manual focus, iris, zoom...the whole thing. You can learn a lot about how cameras work in general this way."
Lighting Without a Budget
How does a filmmaker deal with no budget for lighting? "Be aware of what you can get away with," Libertella says. "Sometimes all it takes is knowing what time of day to shoot to maximize the available light. If you really need a light and there is no budget, go to Home Depot and get some clamp-on lights. They're dirt cheap. Bounce them into the ceiling or a piece of showcard."
This article was re-printed on our blog with permisssion from Bob Gillen. To read more, please visit their website:
Thank you Bob Gillen!
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