We're five weeks into our twelve week semester. We have lost some of our inmate/students, (to early release & transfers) but we still have 25 men, who have all been eager to learn. It's interesting, but we have (2) inmate/students who actually asked the judge to
extend their sentences so they can complete this semester at HOLLYWOOD IMPACT STUDIOS... That is amazing to me.
The men now have five weeks of basic Avid editing taught by our intructors Stan and Chandler who report that each week their skills get stronger and stronger. You have to realize that for many of these men, they didn't even know how to use a computer much less a complicated editing system.

This last Wednesday, our instructor Chris and his wife Rachel came in and talked about how to become an "extra" on a TV show or movie. The men really enjoyed getting this information. This could help them earn some money when they get out.