It's been a little while since we've given an update on our program... Well the
4th semester at the Pitchess Detention Center is underway. We started with 25 student/inmates. We're nearly half-way through. Gary has just finished teaching the overview of Hollywood Careers, Stan Cassio has finished basic Avid editing and now Chandler is teaching creative editing.
We're very fortunate to get Derek Warfel to come back this semester and teach creative writing. Inmate/students are writing their scripts and we have (3) actors coming in this week to "perform" them.

Chris Fallin has just begun teaching basic camera and lighting. They guys really enjoy the chance to get some real hands-on training on these cameras.

God just keeps delivering top notch instructors who are so willing to give their time to teach these men as they also share their faith in God. Cyndi and I are so thankful.